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bearkat4160 said:
Its definatly NOT a vast improvement over the GTI series! Its different but not better. What are you smokin? You probally never used them if you think the Propointer is Garretts best.
As far as the high freq...we Garrett users have been asking for it on some new releases of their machines besides the Scorpion, for a long time. If you dont like it, dont buy it.
So much for "keeping it civil".

Also, I remember when the GTI series came out. They hooped and hollored about the great technological break through of sizing ability on targets. Too bad they didn't mention that Whites had beat them to that with the flowing sizing display of the QXT. The XLT uses a different type of bars than the QXT. The QXT had a flowing/scrolling bar graph at the bottom of the screen that would both indicate target intensity (by height) and target size. 2 bars for a coin at normal sweep speed. 3 bars for a larger screw cap or something like a silver dollar. More for pop cans and such. Very versatile, and much more so than the sizing slots of the GTI series. I could trace the outline and shape of the target by watching the flowing sizing display as I went. Can't tell you how many times that helped find multiple targets. Sure, sound is a good way to trace and outline stuff, but there were times when I couldn't hear things that the sizing bars would tell me. I'd rather have that than a fixed "SIZE A GOES INTO SLOT B" type of static function on the GTI, if you know what I mean.
Regardless of all the above, I've seen better depth than a GTI on much more inexpensive machines. There were a few other things I didn't care for but I'm sure that's more than enough for you tell bash me on.

PS- I tried to stay civil despite your personal remark about me smoking anything, but I will "attack" detectors (not people)...I Pro Pointer on a stick would be intense competition for some brands and models, not just certain Garretts. I love that pin pointer.