I guess I don't understand the thinking behind sending a machine to field testers without any documentation. Don't you think it would be of benefit to those field testers, and eventually the product purchasers, if there was documentation at least stating what the engineers were trying to do with their wizardry? After all, they didn't just throw a bunch of chips on a circuit board then send it out to find out what it does. They want to know how well it does what it was designed to do. There had to be serious thought in the design of each circuit to accomplish certain tasks. Those intentions could be stated simply and clearly without making it easy for someone to run to China and produce a near-clone and reap the benefits of White's expenditures on design and development. So the customer suffers. Yes, one may -eventually- discover all there is to know about the machine and how it functions - but I'd like to speed up the process.
I look at it like this - you may be able to drive a car at seventy miles an hour on the freeway, but if you want to really get the best performance, you need to understand HOW tire pressure, fuel injector nozzles, temperature, etc. etc. etc. can have an effect. You will learn this - eventually - probably - but it's not Voodoo. You could read the service manual first and reap the benefit of someone else's experience....or maybe not - auto owners' manuals are pretty skimpy these days, too. But I'd like to suggest that without the benefit of the passing on of knowledge in one form or another, each of us would have to rediscover fire and reinvent the wheel.
On the subject of manuals, the V3 users manual, like that for the DFX, MXT, XLT before it, is basically a "how to drive" (in the auto example) not a how to get the best performance from your machine book. These manuals remind me of documentation for computer programs from Microsoft in the 1980's. All a tech version of legal-speak, and not intended to be understood, only used as a monkey see-monkey do book. Whatever happened to a set of instructions and concept explanations that could be understood by us dummies? Someone at White's should exhume Issac Asimov from the grave so he could teach them how to explain complicated concepts in simple terms...Like the man said, a Down to Earth explanation...