Sure. And you know why nickels are easy to call? Because when nickels come off the assembly line, they are 100% of the time the same weight, shape, and composition. Perhaps depth and corrosion will skew older one's TID's a bit, but even those factors can be learned and estimated on. HOWEVER, gold rings come in INFINATE shapes, sized, karots, weights, etc... And so too are foil wads in infinate sizes, shapes, and densities.
If anyone ever tells you that "gold sounds different", then here's what you do: take them out to the nearest inner city blighted junky ghetto park, and turn them loose. See how much gold they find, while leaving even "most" aluminum behind
You will see that they quickly abandon their claims 
If anyone ever tells you that "gold sounds different", then here's what you do: take them out to the nearest inner city blighted junky ghetto park, and turn them loose. See how much gold they find, while leaving even "most" aluminum behind