All I have to say is, you couldn't name that machine that's twice as good for hundreds less, so, you were just blowing smoke like I figured. You might want to actually be able to back up your claims with facts instead of sound bites you pull out of somewhere, or no one is going to take you very seriously. I already don't, but don't let that stop you from just throwing things out there that sound good to you. Why let reality have any bearing on anything what fun is that?
Now I haven't gone into the FT forum and read posts from people who like the F-75, even though in my view the build quality leaves a lot to be desired and I can see why they won't give it a lifetime warranty having used one, because I respect that other people may prefer it, and I realize it's still a great machine. I'm not here to rain on anyone's parade, or shill a product. I'm not going to go into the FT forum and say how the first thing I found with an E-Trac was a silver dime, while the F-75 found a bottle cap which it loves by the way, and that for the same money one machine is simply way better and I have the experience to back what I'm saying with both machines. I think they are both good, different but good, and if my preference is something else I'm not in another forum trying to shill another product with made up stories.
Get my point or is it just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too deep for ya? I'll simplify it as you don't seem the analytical type, maybe the FT forum would be a better home for you if you have nothing positive to contribute here. And I have yet to see anything. Surprise me.