Second off. I really wish I could have seen the video of Obama. My comp runs too slow for videos and such.
Last and most important.
Ray, I think you are a great guy. very nice to me when I post and I appreciate that from you considering people here just dont respond to my posts. So I am saying this to you as a Forum buddy.and as a servant of our Lord I feel its my responsibility to let you know. In response to your comment..
.".If there was a supreme being wouldn't he or she known a head of time that this just might be a problem having four or five different Gods , why not just one and be done with it, after all, he or she started everything, makes no sense to me but they call me, (Very rude word I think, a antsiest) for not falling in line and believing this stuff "
There is only one true God. as Ma stated the rest are of false religions. God did know man was ganna do this beforehand (set false idols and Gods). Thats why in the ten Commandments He clearly states....I am the Lord your God..."You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me" You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in Heaven above or on earth or in the seas below. .. . You shall not bow down before them and worship them" These are the first 4 of the commandments. It is your choice to believe what you want but I think, with all do respect , you my friend are just wrong. There is a God. 1 God He died for us so we may be with Him, I dont want you to think christians feel they are better then every1 else because we are not. we all have issues but we are forgivin of our past if we just ask.
I would rather believe in God and be wrong, then not to believe and be wrong.