I detect with one buddy that still uses the SE while waiting to review my results with the E Trac. I have 100 hours on it in the UK and now about 40 hours in the USA. We both went and searched a site in central KY that each of us had searched with SE's on 2 previous occasions and found very little. We returned to the site to see what the E Trac would do. The site dates back to prior to the Civil War so we felt there must be things there we had missed. I found a bust half, 1 seated dime, 1 seated half dime, a shield nickel, 2 buttons, and a V nickel. My buddy only got one 2 cent piece and and early indian. What we discovered was that we had been running the SE at sensitivity 28 manual. Since there was no static noise or constant interference at 28 manual our assumption was that we were covering decent ground. After a short while with the E Trac I noticed the recommended sensitivity was at 10. This is the worst ground reading I've ever encountered in Central KY. My theory is that the sensitivity on our SE's was too high to pick up the silver that the E Trac gobbled up at every turn. All of the finds were in the 6 to 7 inch range excepting one cuff button at around 9 inches. It seems the E Trac will simply not run on 28 manual there so I reluctantly set it on automatic plus 3. The bottom line is the E Trac forced me to learn a valuable lesson about sensitivity and SE's. Just because it sounds fine at high settings doesn't mean it is performing all out. The E Trac provided far superior results on this site and in fact everywhere I have used it, including the UK. There were 10 guys on my UK trip and I ended a 10 day trip with the most finds, and voted the best finds of the week. The finds there included a silver Celtic unit about the size of a pencil eraser.
All I can say is that my results have been really great and as I learn more about the machine they appear to be improving. What can I say? My buddy will end up with one soon if I keep excelling against him.
All I can say is that my results have been really great and as I learn more about the machine they appear to be improving. What can I say? My buddy will end up with one soon if I keep excelling against him.