and bad points of a machine especially when your dropping $800.00 on a detector that will quickly drop to about $600.00 if your lucky when it leaves the dealer. But I choose to do this mainly by private email or PM versus the forum or unless I'm asked certain points about a machine. As with you, hot rocks are a major issue, I haven't ever met a hot rock in my life, so I can't speak on that issue, Now as far as highly mineralized soil, I can't really speak on that either because in Florida our soil is quite tame compared to most areas, this is why Fixed ground balance machine do so well here like the GT&i1500. Now I have heard that the C$ does better then most in hot ground, but I can't really speak on that issue either for not having first hand knowledge.
I leave those issues such as those up to guys like yourself who live in hot areas. But I do know that from the all the guys who I have conversed with, your the first who has had a problem with the Coinstrike because of performance issues. The complaints I have heard are, I didn't like it because it was to difficult to grasp, to noisy, (I agree with this statement) when I first got mine for the first 15 hours I wanted to wrap it around a tree because it was so noisy. Also they have said it was their cup of tea for various reasons, such as weight, don't like digital, don't like the tones etc.
Unfortunately, I have found that it really makes no big difference how much you tell some one the bad points ahead of time, once some have made up their mind, then they go for it anyway, just like me with the Quattro, I knew ahead of time about the bad points of the machine for my type of hunting, but got one anyway and just verified what I had been told.
Like the holy grail of detectors the Explorer, I mostlikely will never own one, because It's hard enough for me to justify to my self spending $800.00 for a machine to find pocket change, but if they were to revamp the Explorer into a lighter machine such as the Xterra series, I might reconsider. I'm sure it's a good machine, but I don't like a machine that's to heavy for me to use for long periods of time. But hey, that's me not you or others who are in better health and can handle the heavy machines, now would I list this as a minus on the list for the Explorer or Quattro, NO, why, because that only a personal issue I have with the machine and don't feel that it's a negative for the machine for others. But, if someone asked, about the weight issue then I figure they must be concerned about it for the sa,e reasons as me so then I would give them my view point on that.