Hope I wont get into trouble for putting up another post in the thread...as others have sai9d Elton, it is interesting (like your others) and it's great reading what others have and do with them (detectors, I mean). I agree with the sentiments that it is great to get to know your detector well, and that is when you really start finding good stuff. However, I think it is great to have more than one detector, and having more than a couple is even better. I find that having more than a couple of machines helps me to keep up my interest in the hobby to a very keen level at all times..i.e. if things start getting a bit hum-drum, I just opt for a change of machines and the whole scenario changes. I also find that using a different machine occasionally helps me to apply myself better to the job in hand and keep the concentration at a higher level than it otherwise might be. Just my thoughts....I guess the important thing is to get out there and have fun.