Ma Betty in MO
New member
although he is a Mormon, I do believe that he is a many are in the churches of different faiths along with satan's people...calling themselves Christians when they aren't! BO is a Muslim and loves Allah and it says so on his ring! Romney and his family are saints compared to BO (Body Odor) and his ilk! Even gets the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing but lying....guess that is for being the best liar during his last kingdom eign of living like King and Queen! Our God is all-powerful so take heart and do not be discouraged because Romney could have been murdered had he been elected with the way the low-life people and the world is now, so God has greater plans for him and his family to keep on serving Him as missionaries or whatever He calls them forth to do! BO will be brought down to his knees in shame and God will see to it that he gets his just dues....even in the corrupted justice system he has helped produce! In the Book Esther, the ones who would destroy the Jewish people (Esther's people) was hung and died upon the same scaffold that he had prepared for her people! God is just but works in His own time line and it is all good when He does complete what He sets His hand and Word forth to do! Keep hope alive in Jesus, for with Him we win the war, although battles are lost but only temporarily! Amen! Ma