thanks for the info. I went out for my second time, to the same beach, Onslow Beach at Camp Lejeune. I found some coins and odds and ends, but no gold. I went on Labor Day. There was a fair amount of people, but 99% of people in the water were kids. I determined that for jewelry, Onslow is the wrong beach. Next time I am going to a truly busy beach where the jewelry is being lost. Onslow Beach is not it. Mudpuppy's comment above, "ya didnt find any gold didja?.." is misleading and erroneous. A person does not find gold every time, particularly not the FIRST time out with a new detector, new to the surf hunting scene. Yes the detector is a bit noisy, but I can pick out the signals fine. I have no problem with the coil "floating". It is pretty much neutral from my experience. As far as the coil moving in the surf, I don't understand the hubub. Simple fix, I just cut a piece of plexiglass and attached it at the stem and coil and that problem is fixed. The BHID is extremely sensitive. Once I hit the right beach next time, I think my chances will be much better. I live 1 1/2 hrs from the beach, so I get there when I can.....that is a disadvantage compared to folks who are at the beach weekly and live close, can monitor conditions and hit spots that have conditions that are right. Snobby comments like, "ya didnt find any gold didja?.." to indicate a detector is not top notch and capable is rediculous. I do see that I need a straight shaft from Anderson, because my right wrist is killing me due to a past injury. I am convinced that when a piece of gold is under the 300 coil, it is within my grasp. I will gladly hunt when I can with a detector that is $600 less than the "mighty" Excal, and eventually prove what it is capable of with the limited time I have. Thanks again for your comments.