New member
I've heard of this type of winter detecting in the past but never tried it. I could see why you'd find a lot of rings, coins, and other items this way. People reaching for keys in their pockets with cold hands, slipping a ring off by accident or dropping a few coins. Think about it, all that square footage of ground is being "hunted" by the snow plow and deposited in one nice small area for you. I'm no expert on cement so I would have to wonder if all blacktop store parking lots have metal rebar in them like many sidewalks and driveways do. If they all do then I could see where this might be a problem. Anybody done this type of hunting and how well have you done? Are all the large parking lots at stores going to have rebar? Might have to hit a few today and see for myself. Perhaps the iron mask nulling feature on my Sovereign GT can still produce a decent signal while ignoring the rebar. Enough to hunt it, anyway.