Well sure Elton, good equipment (and knowing how to get the most out of it is of the utmost importance).----Didn't realize equip. costs was a factor in this discussion but your point is well taken.----Having said that, shelling out more money isn't always the answer to the worlds problems---there is some very good older detectors out there that some of the guys are still using that "know them like the back of their hand" & are getting very good results with them.------As to new equipment opening up an area again--yes, I feel that is the case with (some) detectors/coils (at least to a degree) & when used properly.----But there's so many other things that comes in to play also, many of which has already been mentioned in this post/thread.------If a person hunts a (old, heavy traffic) site 10 times as you say with no silver---I suppose IN HIS/HER MIND that site is "worked out" (repeat,in his/her mind).------I don't look at it that way but rather try to find different tactics/approaches to a hunt area.----But I'm just an ole hardheaded (almost) 75 yr. old bulldog, not everybody agrees with me.---I find some stuff though.

-----Let's put a little humor in this before I sign off---remember the days/attempts of charging the ground to "light up" the targets? (making them easier to "read" with the detectors)-----Don't know if it "lit up" any targets but it SURE brought the worms to the surface!

-------I'm goin huntin!------------Delquote=Elton]
Do you think it's possible a place can be worked out using the detectors
one currently has ????
Unless you move up the scale buying equipment that can go deeper. Which isn't possible for many, due to costs. Or equipment that separates better. Again costs to move up. Is that considered "worked Out" for that
particular person ??
Just a thought........... In my opinion a place is, and can be worked out for some. Can new equipment open it up again? Can a new approach open it up ?? ..I suppose it might.
But, over all, if using what you have. The best you know how, does not produce results. "IS THAT A WORKED OUT AREA "....... Just curious about your view on that...
If you go to a spot say " 10" times with no good finds (SILVER) should you come back for the 11th time..Or move on..?? When does one say in their mind. It's worked out ??[/quote]