Of course it was all pennies.
24 pennies in one hole and not ONE dime, nickel, or quarter? C'mon. All modern clad. Then I moved 2 feet over and hit 5 Wheats. Two of them were 1919. I was working an old Estate that hasn't been around since the 40's. Tons of trash, but did pretty well with the clad. I keep hitting these old wheats every day, so I know those dimes and quarters are there too. Just a matter of sweeping them. With the weekend just about here I have a new spot I wanna try. It's an old city park in a bad neighborhood, but back in the 40's & 50's there was an amusement park and circus there. I figure if I get there at the crack of dawn all the druggies and hookers will still be asleep. lol

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