Hi Marshall,
I have a 5x7 Accelerator coil, I found my gold ring with that. In fact I was just out today with it wind blowin 30 above goin through the trashy areas. Whats the difference between the coil Im using and the DFX one?
Thanks, Aaron[/quote]
Hello again Aaron......My Great Great Great grand father was also called Aaron...(1700's)
Can't be too subjective regarding the differences (performance wise) but it's informative to simply compare the basics of the two coils.
Naturally, the manufacturers like to quote the outer casing size because it's bigger than the actual coil assembly inside.
The 5 x 7 Accelerator coil will have an area of Pi times 5" x 7" = 110 square inches approximately.
The Whites Shooter, 3"x 6" :- Pi times 3" times 6" = 57 square inches approximately.
So the Accelerator is twice as 'big' as the Shooter.
Now to the important significance of those simplified facts.
Let us assume that the detector feeds the same amount of power to both coils.
In use, it is obvious that one coil (the Accelerator) covers more ground per sweep than the other. (The Shooter) in terms of the ratio of the longer sides. (7 inches compared to 6 inches).
So on that simple point the Accelerator is about 16 percent better. A plus for the Accelerator.
But that isn