Now that everyone has throughly confused you. Just maybe you could get a simple detector. One that is easy to use and cheap because you really don't understand what it takes to metal detect. It is not an easy hobby. It does take a lot of patience, practice and learning. It also takes much energy, stamina and putting up with inclement environmental conditions. It is a fantastic hobby but it takes a certain kind of person to stay with it. If you are one, you will have a hobby for life and many rewards from the hobby. But if not you will be like a lot of others, the detector will be in the closet for years. You didn't find gold or a chest full of silver, instead you found nothing or many pull tabs, bottle caps, cans, iron, and some change amounting to 23 cents after 4 or more hours of detecting in the hot sun or cold weather. Every muscle and bone is aching in your body and you are exhausted, almost the only thing you can do is get into the recliner and rest. My wife still doesn't think that is what she calls fun.
The 250, with a set of headphones, a digging tool, some extra batteries. I like the ID meter some don't.
I say the 250 is easy to use and works very well. Light, will find lots, easy on batteries, and will give you the confidence to get to know about the hobby. Headphones: I use radio shack $10 to $20 with volume control on or added. Digging tool from hardware store from garden section. Alkaline batteries from Walmart or ??? Lay out about $250 plus. And you will be up and running and ready to grow. If you don't like the hobby you will have tools that can be used in other areas of your life. Hope this helps.... Z