guess I am lost everyone that has replied to this post has not said anything negative unless it is someone that i have put on my ignore list and I cant see what they post, they can say anything they want but those of us that detect with the Legend knows what it can and does do.
this is how I look at it someone can talk all the crap they want about something but does it make it so, just put them on your ignore list then you do not have to read what they have said because it will not even appear when you read a thread
I have a couple of friends that use the Equinox 800 and they are both getting a Legend, I have let them use one of mine actually my wifes that gets vary little use and it impressed them, to the point they are picking up a legend so that is saying a lot in my opinion
Yeah you’re right I should just be ignoring it. It’s just been a very emotional week and my personality is that I’m a real person. Nothing fake about me at all. I’m a straight shooter I say it how it is and I also call people out on stuff that otherwise others wouldn’t.
For example, the dealer that outright screwed me on an $80 part it’s just the principal. ironically, this person is also promoting that dealer, whether it has anything to do with it or not I’m not sure, but I didn’t even actually publicly post the dealers name they know who they are. This is a very small community. People from other dealers to the manufacturer even said it was totally wrong either the person is ashamed or they just really don’t give a crap which is pretty sad.
Seems like there’s three different types of people in this world today. If for example, an assault was happening on a innocent person on a bus or subway, there are those that would just totally look the other way than there are those that would actually just sit there and videotape it with their cell phone, critique for their own pleasure and then there are those the very few that that would actually get up and do something about it. I happen to be in the latest category.
Actually four different people. The ones doing the assault.
Btw oldkoot doesn't have to be a word reply just an emoji is saying alot.
If every time you posted a answer to something and i commented with say
but someone else gives the same answer and i post
there is ulterior motives. Don’t want to take this off subject just had to point out but I could be wrong as others were about some my posts and thought i had different motives.
But im sure if I continually went on the equinox forum and only if someone posted some kind of issue and i replied with a
or similar and never posted on anything else there either positive helpful I thought that was concidered what they call trolling.
Never been big in all this internet stuff, technology yes, but too many fake people that hide behind a keyboard.
Today even big transactions are done by text. Things can easily be taken out of context. It is what it is I guess. Enough ranting. Just seemed like too many coincidences.