Roland58 said:
Personally, for what this baby cost to begin with, I would think that any updates should be of no charge, at least, during the warranty period. After that, yeah, I can see a nominal fee.
Wow here we go again. It is obvious that this topic of suggestions/updates/improvements & Minelabs' lack of response to their customers who purchased this Rolls Royce metal detector has evoked more passion & interest by far than any other thread on this forum. The original suggestions thread to date has had more responses and views (151,000 plus, unbelievable), which is many, many times more by far (just take a look) than any other. This should tell Minelab something if they are watching.
One of the main selling points of the CTX 3030 was that it is software upgradeable, which means that functional changes/fixes can be made much more expeditiously than with hard wired machines. It is a widely accepted practice with software upgradeable devices to release/improve function on a regular basis (free) through updates/fixes. This is especially true for poorly thought out features, oversights, bugs, etc, in the original/early microcode releases.
The thing that is troublesome with Minelab is their lack of response/action (not even speaking of new function) just regarding poorly designed/thought out features (IE clock placement, micro font size/barely readable status bar, washed out screen colors/poor contrast, user functions/previous mode setting being lost on power down), which could be improved/fixed with software changes. Improvements/fixes relating to just these features could enhance usability/functionality, which I would expect on a piece of equipment of this price. But yet after a year and a half and many suggestions relating to these issues, nothing has been done by Minelab to address them.
As I have said in previous posts, Sadly, Minelab will not change their culture of inaction until they feel it in their wallet!