Larry (IL) said:
360 degree plugs are frowned upon by most clubs and manufactures nowadays, at least the ones I know of and read about. You will sever all roots that spread out and the plug is almost guaranteed to turn brown no matter what tool is used. Long handled recovery tools in parks is just asking for confrontation by John Q Public and law enforcement in my opinion.
A three sided or 270 degree hinged plug dug with a handheld digger is the only approved way to dig a plug by our club on public property.
Our local park is a pretty nice park, but its not really well groomed! people let their dogs do their buisness and just leave it! now that's a dead spot for sure.
The park has some pretty large areas of bare places from past flooding.
Volley ball net post leaves holes,
I've seen coaches have soccer pratice in the park, that's good on the grass,
Now they keep it well mowed and the park has a nice entrance with a fountain but the grass is as much weeds as grass, but it is mowed.
Now, my title post I stated or ask if you all thought it would draw to much attention, which meant I already was thinking that it would. One good thing is EVERYBODY agrees that it would get to much bad attention for use in a city park.
I'll keep an eye on my fifty or more digs in my yard I've done testing the four diggers I've made over the past month and see just how dead the grass is in the area of the plugs. I know that when I first started building them the only way I could test them was in the MUD! it wouldn't stop raining. The grass on those plugs turned a little brown for a few days but the grass wasn't dead, because its all green now. But pushing the plugs out of the digger WET pushed the grass right into the mud. Now if the soil isn't muddy the grass can be brushed back up with your foot and left standing, so I'll keep an eye on my yard and see how it goes.
I know that on golf course greens they have to move the ball cup regularly and it doesn't kill the grass! and the tool they use is much like the tool I made, it cuts a 360 degree plug??