Hit a spot in Plattsburgh on the old base I have been dying to hit. the old parking lot was ripped up to recycle the asphalt. I had an hour to spare so figured I would find a few goodies. I found a large button right off the bat, then another and another. It was unbelievable! I found large, small and medium ones (33 in all) and a cross rifle badge with a G underneath the rifles. I later found a 42 Merc. and a wheatie. Sure enough a car pulled up and I was booted. I guess the land now belongs to PARC. A big trade park corporation. The man was nice so I asked him a few questions before I left. He said the area the city owns is on the Natl. Historic registry so I'II find somewhere else until I know for sure. I was given permission to hunt the city owned part of the base by the previous DA now a judge, but that won't matter much if the FED. is involved
I also found out later there is a dispute over the legality of the sale of the property as it was supposed to go back to the original owners when the base was closed down. Either way it was a good hunt and I now know not to go back until I do some homework. I wish I had a camera to post the pics but will try this weekend. Have a good one!