Still very sanded in though... almost zero targets near the surf. So, I decided to try the dry sand where I noticed there was a tremendous amount of errosion. Found a couple of clad and a small toe ring that looked like junk (I almost tossed it). Don't you know, I took a look at it under magnification when I got home and there was the .925 
A guy stopped me on the beach and said, "Well, I guess you didn't hit the 365 million dollar lottery otherwise you wouldn't be doing that..."
I said, "If I hit the lottory, I'd be doing this FULL TIME! "
I did find another playground not too far from my house. It's not that big but has two mulch play areas and 1 sand. Behind that is a nice sized ball field. Looks like they do soccer games there. I would have never found this place had I not been looking at Google earth. It's absolutely hidden away. I'll add that one to the list. Looks like there are others I didn't know about too; haven't checked them out yet though.
Have a good week!
A guy stopped me on the beach and said, "Well, I guess you didn't hit the 365 million dollar lottery otherwise you wouldn't be doing that..."
I said, "If I hit the lottory, I'd be doing this FULL TIME! "

I did find another playground not too far from my house. It's not that big but has two mulch play areas and 1 sand. Behind that is a nice sized ball field. Looks like they do soccer games there. I would have never found this place had I not been looking at Google earth. It's absolutely hidden away. I'll add that one to the list. Looks like there are others I didn't know about too; haven't checked them out yet though.
Have a good week!