loved it! I found it very easy to drive and even back up with my bass boat on the rear. Heck it was over 60 ft long then. I did most of the driving though.
The crazy sucker I was going with and I bought it together. She had more money than I did so we went halves. We were driving to Florida one year and all I asked her to do is keep a sorta rough track where we were. From time to time I would ask her and she would break out the map and since she was dumber than a stump, she could never figure it out.
I could never get her to drive. Never, no matter how tired I was. On the trip we had come through the mountains in South Carolina and heading down through Georga to Florida. I had been driving quite a while and she looked at the map and said we were nearing the Florida border. I asked if she was sure and she got a little snitty and told me she knew how to read a map.
Now I did now know when she learned because the last time I knew, she did not know the top of the map was north! I kept driving and it kept bothering me. It didn't make sense that we were that close to the Florida border. Hell we had a long way to go the way I figured it but she insisted she knew what the hell she was doing.
I drove for a ways and saw a rest area. I told her I had to use the john but actually I wanted to get a look at the dang map that they have hanging in the enterance. I walked up and looked it over and saw where we were.
I came back to the motorhome and started it up. I told her that every thing we had heard about the stupid arsed hillbillys was true. She asked why and I told her that here we were, almost at the Florida border and the stupid hillbillys had a map of South Carolina in their rest area!! We were not even in Georga yet!!
She got mad at me because I found out she was a moron. Hell I always knew that! She was a great business woman but dumber than a box of rocks.
She decided to drive then. She was pizzed and got behind the wheel and tried to scare the hell out of me. She took off and was passing every dang thing on the road, weaving in and out and making that sucker fly. I just looked at her and went to the rear and crawled in the sack and watched a video.
We broke up after that trip.

A box of rocks