Some hunters (me for example) like to change disc. adjustments on the fly; depending on local conditions. I have a QXT, which doesn't have nearly the number of menus as on the XLT/DFX, yet is still a pain in the @ss. Not knowing what was last changed and then rowing through the menus is an unwanted distraction. Also, if a person comes across some trash targets that, due to the large number in the ground, get notched out.. it's easy to forget that such has been done and continue hunting with those settings. That's one advantage of the Garrett GTI/GTAX/GTP/Ace detectors; you know what your most common settings are at a glance.. and NO, I don't have a Garrett VLF. It's the same deal (but better in some respects) with the knob style detectors; near instantaneous visual evaluation and quick adjustment. It's also helpful when hunting tough and variable ground to have a knob adjust for dealing with hotrocks, mineralization, decomposed iron patches, etc. There's also one other area where knobs are superior.. screen problems. What if something happens to the screen and it's not displaying info? With a menu driven, touch pad control system a person is totally hooped. Now, on the other hand, a detector with knobs & switches can still be used/adjusted as an audio only detector.. even if it has VID. Sure, the detector can be sent away to be fixed, but it's finding zero targets in the meantime. Even worse, what if a person is out in the boonies for a week or more? Talk about frustrating. ..Willy.