Hello all. I came across this forum recently when I was doing a google search for sand scoops. I didn't see an introduction thread, so I thought I'd make my first post in this section.
Saturday I was killing time at a school waiting for the sand volleyball court at the park next door to clear out. I was almost ready to leave when I got an 84/85 signal on the AT Pro. I thought "sweet, a quarter" (Is it sad that I get excited over quarters?
) I dug the plug and I was surprised to see this ring pop out. Looks silver but there are no noticeable markings on it. I did the hot water/tin foil and baking soda trick to clean it up a bit and it gave off the sulfur smell, so I'm pretty sure it's silver. Any guesses on the age?
Please forgive the dirt, this was before I cleaned it good.

So after I found that, I had to stick around a little longer.
About 15 minutes later I got an 81 and was expecting a dime and found this. It was bent but I was able to straighten it out. Funny thing is, it's marked .925, but it is slightly magnetic with a really strong magnet. Another odd thing is the gold color on the back of the petals. So I'm hoping it's silver, but who knows.

Thanks for having me.
Saturday I was killing time at a school waiting for the sand volleyball court at the park next door to clear out. I was almost ready to leave when I got an 84/85 signal on the AT Pro. I thought "sweet, a quarter" (Is it sad that I get excited over quarters?

Please forgive the dirt, this was before I cleaned it good.

So after I found that, I had to stick around a little longer.

Thanks for having me.