I buy them about the same way. I've only financed one
car and that was in the late 70's. Was a 78 Z-28.
Both the trucks I have now, I got free. But I've sunk
a good bit into the 68. Haven't spent much at all on the
74 yet. I had a 81 monte carlo that I drove for about 12-13
years. Still ran ok when I got rid of it but was getting
kinda beat. Traded it for a 1948 RCA Victor radio/phono console...

I do most all my own repair work, so I can drive an old
car without it being unreliable.. They are easy to work on too.
I installed the engine in the 68 by myself. Ditto for the front
end, etc. The 74 is about to the point of needing a kingpin
overhaul... Been too lazy to mess with it though..
I really want a small 4 banger wagon.. I can haul some stuff,
but it's still low and aerodynamic for the MPG...
But on the other hand, I start looking at the ad's for
vintage cars, and many of those are hard to resist. Most
old cars are usually a pretty good investment these days.
IE: I could have bought that Vette, and probably not lost
much on resale cuz it's a vette.. Was looking at a 55 T bird
that is local..Asking 6k, but it needs an $$$$$$ overhaul.
One of those "looks good at 30 ft, but up close had rust.."
You rarely get your money back when restoring a car, unless
it's super collectable. Like ya say, better to find some
guy thats already restored one, and got hard up for cash.
So I bypassed the rusty t bird too, although it fer sure
had some potential. They get big $$$$ for those in clean
shape. I saw one on e-bay that looked like a new car, and
was priced to match...

I like old stuff of about anything...
Old cars , just one extension of that... My old truck often
gets more looks than some fancy new one.. You don't see near
as many old vehicles as you used to, as many are getting
scrapped. Man still hadn't walked on the moon yet when my
older truck was built..

And to me, being a semi old
fart of nearly 50, a 60's vehicle doesn't really seem like
that old a car to me.. I really need a 50's or older to start
really feeling like an old car.. But to some of the younger
pups, my truck is ancient...