TN Girl.......After extensive research on the various "high-end" headphones, including a lot of back and forth posting with Rudy at Friendly Metal Detecting Forums on the technical stuff in March of 2008, I decided on the Ratphones Max and am very satisfied.
Most metal detecting websites allow you to browse as a non-member to gather information of interest and/or to get a feel for the website, but you will need to be a registered member to post questions, etc.. In case you would like to visit FMDF and read through my thread, go to the
Detectors and Gear board >
Metal Detector Accessories forum and look for a topic titled
We need a "Headphones Clinic" ! dated 03-08-08, 09:28 PM.
In case you are wondering, the acronym RAT stands for Relic and Treasure. I had communications with Rick, the designer and builder of the Ratphones at Detect USA, via e-mail and phone during my research. At the time, he had re-designed the Ratphones and was just waiting on shipment of one critical component before he could start filling orders. So it was July, 2008 before I could get mine, but worth the wait !
The Ratphones Max ear cups and headband are very comfortable, light weight and attractive. The technical details and features are all on the Detect USA website, as you may know by now.
I may be repeating previously stated advice here, but if you stay with the high-end brands of headphones rated 150 Ohms impedance, you should be well satisfied. If cost is a problem, go for the best you can afford, but Rudy's advice was not to buy a low impedance (Ohms) headphone. For maximum efficiency, try to match the headphone Ohms to the metal detector's audio output stage Ohms and going higher on the headphone Ohms doesn't hurt performance. Headphones with 150 Ohm ratings work well with a larger majority of metal detector Ohm ratings. These are just a precious few of the grains-of-knowledge I got from Rudy and you should read all of his advice on the thread mentioned above, before making your final decision. BTW, Rudy has the Killer B's Wasp headphones and said likes them.
Hope this helps and Happy Hunting !