Hunt with a friend. Choose your site and time of day wisely. Keep your head up and consciously look all around every now and then. I have Killer Bees that are made with just one headphone. That leaves the other ear 'open' for vermin. Pass up the urge to hunt a good site when you see Gang signs are prolific and theres a bunch of young men with bagging pants standing around the corner who should either be in school or working.
I live in Washington State. In the smaller towns that are farming towns, there's still lots of gang activity and just because the town is small and remote doesn't remove the threat. Hispanic gangs moving around with their families with the farm work. My daughter is a police officer in one of those small towns. There was an old park I wanted to hit and told her about it and she advised me not to as nobody would probably hurt me but intimidation, for their pleasure, and theft of my equipment was likely. If you are a 'girl' I know if you hailed a patrol car and asked the officers what they thought of you detecting a specific place, there's no dobut they would love to visit with you and would give you the straight scoop. My daughter surely would. Pull into the local police station and make contact with an officer. Not only will you get the correct information, you also have obtained permission.
There's gonna be lotsa manly posts following this that are going to talk about carrying a gun and all that chest beating. If you go take a complete course from a professional handgun instructor you'll learn how, when, and where you should consider discharging a weapon for your defens. If you don't do that training don't carry the handgun. (I was a reserve deputy sheriff for 27 years in a large metropolitan area. I think I know of what I speak.) You are wise and a good deal closer to being safe by recognizing and admiting your concern about ' Billy Bob'. Jim