chickamauga said:
When I turned the machine on and went over a target no numbers were displayed just a little up screen. Only until I pulled the pinpointeright and let go just like you would when you go from the menu screen would it start displaying numbers. It doesn't do it all the time. Sometimes I can turn it on and as soon as it goes over a target the numbers are displayed.
Hmmm. Well all I can think is that the coil was near metal when turning on.
If not, just always have coil up when turning on. Also it takes a second or 3 for the machine to boot up. On the big screen it's ready when the fors relic sign is gone.
But since you said it isn't all the time I'm leaning towards the coil being near metal when you booted it up and it masked out your target, then when you pushed the pinpoint button, it read the metal and depth because no matter what you mask out, in pinpoint it becomes an all metal no motion detector.
I would say just remember to have the coil up when you boot it up, makes sure to find an area with no metal after and do an auto ground balance, then you should be good to go.
Sorry if I'm wrong, but I would need step by step on what you did, how you did it type info to be sure.
I would also say that if it stops doing it after you push the pinpoint button, then again I would say the coil was near something when booting.
Hope this helps.