I was tinkering with the V today and reading in the manual when I noticed that having too high power level for the headphones would affect battery life. I checked my power level and found it was set at 5, I decided to try a power level of 2. As I was scanning in my test garden I noticed that the audio would drag for an excessisve amount of time after you swept a target. although the threshold tone sounded fine. I tinkered for around 30 minutes with different adjustments trying to git the V settled down. Initially I thought the large amount of water in the ground from the snow and rain we have had may be the problem, but then it hit me ref. changing the power level on the headphones. I increased the power level to 3 and like magic the V worked properly again. If you change the power level on your headphones and reduce it to much it will definitely affect the operation of the detector. HH
Jerry Murphy
Jerry Murphy