I used to have one of those picks.. But I used it a lot, and wore off most of the writing..
I don't go to many concerts and such anymore. Costs so much money these days..
Talking loud shows.. Eric Johnson is always real loud.. Clean, and no distortion, but LOUD.
Last time I saw him was at the Continental Club here in Houston, which was a small
divish sort of joint. It was packed, and I had to stand all night. We were standing off to
his right from the stage, and one of his amps was aimed at my brain pan, not to mention
his whole PA volume is mighty high. I talked to his gear buoy, and the amp next to us was
a 1962 Marshall Bluebreaker combo, which I think might have been a 100 watter, but not sure.
He said they had just bought it, and it was like brand new. LOUD it was.. I actually ended up
rolling up tubes of paper napkin to make pseudo ear plugs because my ears felt like they
were near the bleeding stage.
Picks... How bout a mid 1980's Billy Gibson pick... I actually use it every once in a while..
It gives a fairly metallic twang if the amp is fairly clean.. I don't mind it because I like stiff
heavy picks anyway.. I can't use a thin pick.. Bend too much.
He dropped this on the floor at a nightclub here in town where ZZ Top was playing for
the grand opening back then. He doesn't use Peso picks now much.. Or so he says..
Actually, you really can't believe a thing the guy says, cuz one of his favorite games is telling tall
tales about what gear he uses and such..
But Elwood his gear buoy once verified he had kind of switched to regular picks, and gave up
the heavy metal. He uses super light geetars that are hollowed out, and also super light strings..
I think a .07 for the high E. That's thin, but by the time they EQ the sound and all, you would
never notice.