I have so many good memories associated with my Cibola it's hard to believe that it was only three months ago when I purchased it. I thought I would never get rid of it. But under the circumstances, I just had to make a financial decision. Let's face it, my son's needs are more important than mine. It was a hard decision to make.:sad:
But on the other hand, I still have two of the best detectors I could expect to have without totally blowing my wad.
I still have the good memories.
That's worth more than having the Cibola. There's more detectors to explore and more memories to be made.
I'm truly fortunate to have re found this wonderful hobby.
I'm going to look forward to the things I can do, and I'll live for today. That's all I truly have anyway. I commit to cherish the past and not regret it. Here's to MDing
Enjoy the Holidays,
But on the other hand, I still have two of the best detectors I could expect to have without totally blowing my wad.

I'm going to look forward to the things I can do, and I'll live for today. That's all I truly have anyway. I commit to cherish the past and not regret it. Here's to MDing

Enjoy the Holidays,