I think I know now what your problem might be for sure. I just same from a hunt at a land site I frequent. I was using the 13" Ultimate and figured I'd play around with PP mode to hunt a bit and cross check in disc. Since there aren't a lot of shallow targets at this site, I figured I'd part from my usual routine of keeping the volume on the GT all the way done (since I don't have volume controls on my headphones and if I turn it all the way up on the GT surface blasts are too loud), and I turned the volume all the way up while hunting a little bit.
Well, I found a deep target in PP and when I flipped back to disc with my remote PP switch, the target was giving me an iffy coin hit very deep, so I flipped back to PP to PP it, since I'm starting to use that now to play with PPing as my usual routine is to use the tip of the coil in disc to do that, but I'm practicing using the center of the coil and PP now to figure out where to dig.
Anyway, so I was once again back in PP and laid the detector down, and by the way I'm starting to like laying it down in PP because then no chatter from EMI that can happen when a coil is vertical...And I noticed that strangely PP was sounding off as I was getting my digger off my hip. Can it be?! Yep! In PP mode with volume at full blast, amazingly PP was sounding off to my digger ALL THE WAY up by the back end of my detector shaft's length! OK, let's see if this is my imagination, I thought, so I pointed just the tip of the digger at the coil and kept it right at the back end of the shaft length. Now, I'm a big guy, so the shaft I use is rather long, and yet PP was sounding off easily to the digger even when I was aiming the tip of it at the coil so as not to present a big target to the detection field!
WOW! I've heard guys say PP mode will give you PI depth so long as the volume is cranked all the way up, and since I almost never crank up the volume, let alone haven't really used PP mode much up until recently, I never knew just what that mode was capable of. And, on top of that, OBN says you can crank the sensitivity all the way up in PP mode and get even more depth and it will still be stable. Well, I was only at about 11PM on the dial because that is where the Ultimate wasn't nulling out on the ground minerals for me as I swept, so I bet it'd even get more depth with sensitivity all the way up.
My tests thus far have shown (this may change) that at least in air tests volume at the lowest or the highest on the GT does not seem to effect discrimination depth, but in PP mode with it lowest it gets about 2" less air test depth than disc, but with volume highest it gets about 2" more depth than disc (this was on a clad dime I was testing using a ruler and a video camera to record the depths for me...in a youtube video I posted a few weeks back).
Now, I know a digger is a much bigger target even with the tip only pointing at the coil to present a smaller target to it, but darn if the kind of depth it got didn't blow my mind, in highest volume, and with sensitivity only at around 11PM. In fact, I even turned down the volume all the way and re-tested the digger thing, and not I could only hear PP sounding off to it at about the location of my hand grip, so obviously it had lost about 2 feet of depth with volume all the way down, but still darn impressive.
So I'm hear to tell you guys, like me, who always thought "yea, sure, right" when you heard about PP getting deeper, and that it got even deeper with volume at full blast...Yep, it sure does look that way. My prior video kind'a confirmed what I had always heard, but this accidental test today set that volume high/low debate thing in stone, at least for PP mode if not for disc.
If I were say hunting for a cache or perhaps larger relics, I'd tell you guys to for sure crank the volume to full and hunt in PP. You might be able to expect about 4 to 5 feet or more in depth on larger targets such as those, or near that with say the stock 10" coil, because I would expect the 13" Ultimate increases that depth a good bit too. Can you imagine say hitting a cache a bit smaller than say a pack of smokes at around 5 or perhaps 6 feet?! What about canon balls from the civil war? What about cranking sensitivity all the way up and maybe even getting more depth. And not only that, but you are in an all metal mode, so no worries of missing iron relics or say a cache hidden in a steel box or something.
I would *really* like to see PP mode on the Sovereign put up against say the reported depths of the Blisstool, or perhaps some better PI units, to see just what kind of comparison we are getting here. And don't think PP is just going to show deeper depths for larger stuff, because thus far it's showing that for coins in my tests too. Then there is the already mentioned fact that PP isn't choking on really bad black sand, minerals, or microscopic iron at the worst beach I hunt, where as disc many times can't even see a coin at say 5 or 6" in that sand.
This mode is blowing my mind. As deep as the BBS units are in disc and as smooth as they run, it's like suddenly finding out I've got yet another detector inside that control box I never knew I had. Then there is the all metal fixed mode to explore, but I'm going to stick with PP for a while and learn more about it to compare to all metal fixed before contrasting that to it. And here it's been 3 years and the rich language of the BBS units in disc has me still learning because it's got so much to tell, and yet I've got two other "machines" in this control box to explore too. I don't see myself perhaps ever growing out of this machine. It's already got the raw power for extreme unheard depths in the worst of grounds even in disc, but PP mode seems to offer many of it's own depth/power advantages as well, like strapping a turbo charger on your Sovereign for certain "dead man" situations.
So I'm betting your problem with instability in PP mode is due to something metal on your body or your scoop moving in and out of the detection field. Heck, I bet even a belt buckel on your waist would set off PP at full volume maybe. Is the Ultimate deeper than the 12x10? Haven't seen that yet, and my air tests show initially it appears the 12x10 is a half inch deeper in disc, but for sure the Ultimate is one powerful coil. Now I need to put on the 12x10, flip to PP, crank volume to full, keep sensitivit at 11PM, and see if it's seeing my digger's tip at the end of my shaft too.
I'm just shaking my head over all this. Who would have thought you'd suddenly find out you've got three machines in one...A super deep discriminating detector, a PI-like (or maybe Blisstool?) depth and worst of minerals PP mode, and an all metal mode that I've already heard before has a language and unique abilites all it's own too. Throw in the all metal tracking mode for perhaps fast changing grounds that it might show benifits to using it in (like say disturbed sand with black sand patches all over), and now we are talking FOUR machines to play with here.