Hi All,
I've had gold fever since I was about 12 when my dad and I went to CO and stopped by an old mine and had an old timer show us how to pan. My dad wasn't bitten like I was, but... Since, I've gotten my BS in Geology, gotten married and had 4 great kids. My first is a boy, and I can't wait till he's old enough to take out on some serious trips. He's 5 now, and I take he and his sisters out to the river here in MI and we just have fun sluicing and playing in the creek for the most part. not enough gold to speak of around here. I now work in a clean room where they process Si wafers for microchips and the like. I've found out they're just throwing out broken wafers, in th trash and some have gold on them. I've decided to go lab prospecting and used an Iodine etch solution to leach the Au from a bunch of wafers I crushed up. There's very little there (few hundred nm) yes, nano 10 X-9 that's the distance your fingernails grow in a second, but it does add up. I've acumulated a bit over half an ounce now. Anyway, that's enough of an intro. Since I'm looking at this as extra $ outside of the budget, I'm dying to get a dredge and a metal detector. Metal detector first since I'm heading to FL in a couple weeks and with my new found claim, I think I may be able to save enough up by summer for a dredge when it's warmer anyway.
Here comes the advice part. While I've done enough prospecting, etc. to know what I'm doing, I've never really delved into metal detecting. Finances are very tight, especially with a large fam and living in MI right now (worst state in the union I believe at least soon to be) Anyway, whle I don't necessarily have enough to get a fisher gold bug II, I don't want to jump the gun and get a piece of crap just cause I can afford it right now. Can anyone recommend a detector I could find for a couple ideally maybe up to 5 hundred bucks or so that's not going to leave me frustrated, or wanting more or missing good gold. Also, let me know if I have the wrong idea here also. ie, should I start with a "beginner" detector and see how I like it/ learn with it Thanks for any input. Look forward to knowing y'all.
by the way, I plan on using this on the beach on rare occasion, occasionally for relics/treasures and for nuggets &(detecting rich ground (if they can do this)
I've had gold fever since I was about 12 when my dad and I went to CO and stopped by an old mine and had an old timer show us how to pan. My dad wasn't bitten like I was, but... Since, I've gotten my BS in Geology, gotten married and had 4 great kids. My first is a boy, and I can't wait till he's old enough to take out on some serious trips. He's 5 now, and I take he and his sisters out to the river here in MI and we just have fun sluicing and playing in the creek for the most part. not enough gold to speak of around here. I now work in a clean room where they process Si wafers for microchips and the like. I've found out they're just throwing out broken wafers, in th trash and some have gold on them. I've decided to go lab prospecting and used an Iodine etch solution to leach the Au from a bunch of wafers I crushed up. There's very little there (few hundred nm) yes, nano 10 X-9 that's the distance your fingernails grow in a second, but it does add up. I've acumulated a bit over half an ounce now. Anyway, that's enough of an intro. Since I'm looking at this as extra $ outside of the budget, I'm dying to get a dredge and a metal detector. Metal detector first since I'm heading to FL in a couple weeks and with my new found claim, I think I may be able to save enough up by summer for a dredge when it's warmer anyway.
Here comes the advice part. While I've done enough prospecting, etc. to know what I'm doing, I've never really delved into metal detecting. Finances are very tight, especially with a large fam and living in MI right now (worst state in the union I believe at least soon to be) Anyway, whle I don't necessarily have enough to get a fisher gold bug II, I don't want to jump the gun and get a piece of crap just cause I can afford it right now. Can anyone recommend a detector I could find for a couple ideally maybe up to 5 hundred bucks or so that's not going to leave me frustrated, or wanting more or missing good gold. Also, let me know if I have the wrong idea here also. ie, should I start with a "beginner" detector and see how I like it/ learn with it Thanks for any input. Look forward to knowing y'all.
by the way, I plan on using this on the beach on rare occasion, occasionally for relics/treasures and for nuggets &(detecting rich ground (if they can do this)