Uncle Willy
New member
the standard ailment like anyone else. I've got to have some exotic mother. In my case the muscles in one end or the other of your esophagus quit working and you can't swallow. In my screwed up scenario my entire esophagus has shut down. They are going to give me a medication that is actually a blood pressure medication but just happens to work on this particular esophagus problem. So I hope this crap works and I can eat again instead of starve to death.
Plus I've got a polyp in there ( you could see it in the pics ) that will have to come out down the road aways as it could prove to be cancerous. But in my current condition I'd never survive the surgery so that ain't going to happen for a long time if ever. So I hope this new medication fixes my happy arse up and I can fatten up again.
Plus I've got a polyp in there ( you could see it in the pics ) that will have to come out down the road aways as it could prove to be cancerous. But in my current condition I'd never survive the surgery so that ain't going to happen for a long time if ever. So I hope this new medication fixes my happy arse up and I can fatten up again.