It's cool here in Montana,it was 43 degrees when I left to go hunt.In an hour and a half the temperature dropped to 33 degrees.I found $3.76 in clad,no old coins.11 quarters,8 dimes,21 pennies,a key,probably to a new Corvette and a Matchbox car.The site is super trashy and I only have the stock coil.I locked the ground trac after I ground balanced and that seemed to help.I also am noticing that if I get a penny/dime signal that pinpoints real loud it is almost always a screwcap. This ground has some alkali in it.So far I really like the M-6 it really bangs quarters.I took a different route on the way home and found a Ghost town.It has a church,ball field,storefronts and old houses.I have to get back there soon.Tomorrow it is supposed to rain/snow with a 30 mph wind.That should keep the competition home.