in this hobby would just follow that one little rule of being discreet while metal detecting in pubic schools or parks and not over due it nobody would notice them but with a passing glance. To often folks over due it and stay at a high taffic site to long drawing attention to them selves because they get greedy then are asked to leave or are told you can't do that here. I have seen it many times from other hunters, they are not willing to stick to a plan of a short hunt then get out then come back another day for another short hunt.
To me it comes down to common sense, if your hunting in a spot where a lot of people get together like schools and parks you don't want to over stay your stay when the school or park gets busy. I tell people all the time, you don't have to find it all in one day, be discreet and get in and out for a short hunt so you can come back another day.
Case in point John, last summer I got a e-mail from a fella in my area who said he needed help with his Explorer and ask if I would hook up with him and help him, I said sure, so I drove 60 miles one way to a park in his area, when I pulled up to this park to meet him there he was, in the middle of the park digging with a relic shovel
, my first thought was to beat him with it, you do not hunt in a park or school yard with a field relic shovel
First thing I said to him was lose the relic shovel, you need a hand digger, he told me well it's easyer with the relic shovel and I told him but you are drawing attention to your self plus digging holes big enough to plant trees in, keep using the shovel and you will not only be asked to leave but you will shut this park down for other hunters, you are killing the hobby for others like myself.
Sure enough John, he e-mail me saying I was right, he did not take heed to my words and the next weekend he was back at the same park digging with the relic shovel and some body called the cops on him, he was told to never come back again and if he did the cop told him he would toss him in jail, this park is now closed to Metal Detecting because he did not use common sense as I told him to.
Arkie John, I really hope you take up the hobby again, it is a very rewarding hobby, you live in old ground John and I get a sense that you are like myself, love the history of the find, thank you for your reply, you have a special gift Arkie John with words and I really hope some day you find a coin like this and share it with us with your special words,
General Ray