It easily identifies Canadian clad. That was a real plus for me! As some other Garrett machines, the ID jumps back and forth 30's to 70's. You kinda have to also learn the audio, like the AT Pro. The best frequency to hunt clad with is 25 kHz. The single bar graph also shows the curser bouncing back and forth 30's to 70's. If you hunt in multi-frequency, the machine shows 3 bars, and you will often see to cursers on different bars indicating an in the 30's and one up above in the 70's. It's kinda cool to see both id's at the same time on the graph. Updates can be done on your computer. You can also purchase the lesser, cheaper model VORTEX VX3 and upgrade if you want to at a later day. The release originally got off to a rocky start, but most of the warts have been removed and Garrett says the machine is now real hot and deep on high conductors like silver. I am still learning it, but thought that I would share it's ability's to read Canadian clad. Many countries are real envious of our one and 2 dollar coins. Now as far as US's a monster. It just blasts at the proper ID. You guys are so lucky with your clad composition. Our, with nickel plate over steel quickly starts to rust in the ground. But, the nice guy that I can be, I just roll them up and return them to the bank.