Let me make a distinction. I was a professional soldier. A careerist in the military is there for what he can get, and not for what he can give; generally they are the type that can't make it outside the military.
Fear is a natural response, and is just a recognition that there could be dire consquences. You learn to control the fear, not let it control you. Repelling down cliffs scared me to death, but I learned how to do it, and the secret was to NOT look down. And let me tell you this, you ride a chopper into a HOT L.Z.[ landing zone where you are taking fire before you land], you can't tell me your butt don't pucker! [However, going down those ropes on a cliff scared me more.]
A general once told us that it was alright to be afraid, he just asked us not to show it. It did have a good effect, as simple as it seems. The person you needed to stay away from were those that HAD no fear. Their mind was gone, and they wanted to die, and did not care if they took some of us with them.