The book written by myself and Peter Hydelaar with the original Fisher 1980's-90's Gold Bug in mind was Advanced Nugget Hunting. It's on the Fisher website in .pdf format, maybe the Tek website too, I didn't check. Most of the information in that book is not specific to Fisher products and is just as valid today as when it was originally written. Particularly good chapter on hot rocks and dirt, nothing else in print to equal it even today.
The more recent book on the Fisher and Tek websites, not written with any specific machine in mind, is Gold Prospecting with a VLF Metal Detector. Much broader in scope than the book I co-authored 'way back when, and of course more up-to-date.
Nearly every day I see questions asked on this and other forums relating to beeping for gold, which are answered in Gold Prospecting with a VLF Metal Detector. Although available in paper print either free or for a price depending on the circumstances, it's a downloadable .pdf for anyone with Internet access. There are lots of good books out there on gold prospecting, and even good ones on beeping for gold, but this particular book is the best one for the newbie because that's the audience for whom it was written. It's all the stuff you wish was in a user's manual, but isn't. Some of that stuff even an experienced gold beeperist can learn from.
Anyone posting here with questions should first read this book. I don't earn $.05 every time someone clicks on the link, I don't even get a commission on book sales or metal detector sales, I work in the engineering dept. I'm hyping the book because I want our customers to be successful, which in the long run grows our business and helps provide me with job security. ......Okay, I admit to a smidgin of altruism, too.
I invite the moderator to make this post a sticky.
--Dave Johnson
Chief Designer, FTP-Fisher