I recall once being on a dive boat and when we returned to land, as the tide was out we couldn't get into the marina so had to jump out and walk to the beach in front of the car park. Anyway one guy puts on his weight belt, after being told not to and jumps into the water only to find it over his head! He dumps his belt and then says that his car key was in one of the weight pockets. So a friend and I snorkelled for close to an hour looking for his belt while he and his girlfriend stood on shore just watching. Bearing in mind they had just been diving so could have helped. When eventually I found his belt all I got was a half hearted thanks and they walk off.
These days When I find jewellery, as most is fresh dropped I have a look in the lost and found ads, if they can't be bothered to report it then it's mine. I have one item, a silver bracelet in at the police at the moment as it had a name and drivers licence number engraved in it. I will know next week if it was claimed, if not I get it back.
These days When I find jewellery, as most is fresh dropped I have a look in the lost and found ads, if they can't be bothered to report it then it's mine. I have one item, a silver bracelet in at the police at the moment as it had a name and drivers licence number engraved in it. I will know next week if it was claimed, if not I get it back.