...I know I was gonna get a Cortes, but the chance to get a nice Silver Sabre uMax and a Golden Sabre II at good prices came up so I got them. I am impressed with both of them. The SSuMax is hotter than I had expected and the discriminator is very sharp. I havent had the chance to use it as much yet as the GSII. I had always wanted one, from way back. Finally I got one. Thanks Jeff Simon.
THAT thing has found a number of coins in more trash than I would have otherwise gone near. Right next to some trash cans at the footbal field, especially. The foil and notched tabs were just a cracklin'. Going slow and paying attention pulled several dimes and cents from the mess. I thought at first that it was faulty, as there wasnt the sensitivity there that I remembered from my 'ol SSII. Then I changed the batteries for new. Yeeeeehaw, we were cookin then! I picked out a tiny little silver-plated doodad on the field that wasnt any bigger than a .22 bullet. Loud and Clear! The potential here is mind-blowing. My Garrett would have gone right over that, most likely.
I especially like the analog-type knob controls - I didnt think I would, being a "techie" and all. But I find these type controls to be instantly responsive and more "on-the-fly" interactive than touchpads and menu scrolling and all that. Anyone know how the Golden uMax compares to the GSII? I will still get a Cortes I suppose, as I do want the VDI feature above all else. But for now I am grooooovin on the 'Max and GSII. Ah, it's sweet walking your Tesoro.
Good Skill and HH
THAT thing has found a number of coins in more trash than I would have otherwise gone near. Right next to some trash cans at the footbal field, especially. The foil and notched tabs were just a cracklin'. Going slow and paying attention pulled several dimes and cents from the mess. I thought at first that it was faulty, as there wasnt the sensitivity there that I remembered from my 'ol SSII. Then I changed the batteries for new. Yeeeeehaw, we were cookin then! I picked out a tiny little silver-plated doodad on the field that wasnt any bigger than a .22 bullet. Loud and Clear! The potential here is mind-blowing. My Garrett would have gone right over that, most likely.
I especially like the analog-type knob controls - I didnt think I would, being a "techie" and all. But I find these type controls to be instantly responsive and more "on-the-fly" interactive than touchpads and menu scrolling and all that. Anyone know how the Golden uMax compares to the GSII? I will still get a Cortes I suppose, as I do want the VDI feature above all else. But for now I am grooooovin on the 'Max and GSII. Ah, it's sweet walking your Tesoro.
Good Skill and HH