You pretty well nailed it. Since I've been around since Hector was a pup I've seen all the changes and the phases this country and its consumerism has gone through. The big conglomerates have ruined it for all but themselves. Look at Wal-Mart, they tell their manufacturers and suppliers every move to make, even where to manufacture their product to provide the best price to Wal-mart. Wal-Mart alone has sent more manufacturers overseas than anyone else. They just tell them, if you want to do business with us, close your plant here and move your operation to some third world country where the labor costs eighteen cents per hour.
Bentonville, where Sam Walton started it all, used to be a little farm town, now it's a thriving metropolis. Wal-Mart informed all of its suppliers that if they wished to do business with them then they would move their headquarters to Bentonville, and so it came to pass and the tiny town exploded into a large city. Course prices ( especially real estate ) went out of sight and the folks that lived there all their lives can't afford to live there anymore.
Consumate greed has ruined this country and will continue to eat away at it till nothing is left. The reason all the illegals are allowed to flood into this country is because big business wants them here and big business controls our government. They want to get enough in here to destroy the wage base in this country so more profit can be reaped. And that day is coming at you fast.
The metal detector manufacturers don't quite operate on this scale as their consumer base is specialized and small so they have to take care of their customers.
You're right about the stereos and such from the seventies. I have a couple and they'll last forever whereas the cheapo crap built today is designed to self destruct in a given time. Even the new homes one buys are built of cheap crap and covered with glitz to hide it all. I live in an old house that is built of real two by fours and real two by sixes, all of prime Douglas Fir. You can't even find or buy this kind of lumber anymore.