Anything you purchase using a credit card has a 60 day return policy for defective merchandise from the time the charge gets posted to your credit card statement - a full 60 days.
That means that a newly purchased metal detector that is broken or faulty does not have to be repaired - it can be returned for a full credit or a new one (your choice) if it's within this 60 day window.
It's time that everyone realized that a metal detector is not a car.
Call your dealer and tell them you want a brand new replacement or a refund for the faulty item they sold you or you will be disputing the charges.
It's that simple.
That means that a newly purchased metal detector that is broken or faulty does not have to be repaired - it can be returned for a full credit or a new one (your choice) if it's within this 60 day window.
It's time that everyone realized that a metal detector is not a car.
Call your dealer and tell them you want a brand new replacement or a refund for the faulty item they sold you or you will be disputing the charges.
It's that simple.