aliensr --
A couple of things...
Yes, digging deep whispers CAN be futile; it depends upon the site. A trashy park can be frustrating, but still -- I find most trash is semi-shallow. Only iron nails do I usually find deeper. But, at an old, old site, I would dig all of the softer-sounding, repeatable hits. I guess what I am saying is, this machine really hits HARD on shallower coins, but due to the VCO audio on this particular machine, I personally find the deeper stuff to hit
much more subtle and soft. In disc. mode, numbers will jump around more when the targets are deep (in fact, if TOO deep, the numbers won't show up at all) -- but generally they will still be in a "range" of numbers that are pretty good. While a dime won't necessarily hit at 83/84 if it is 6-7" deep, it should generally respond with numbers in the 70s and 80s...
I honestly can't give you a "personal success per time" feel as for digging those deep, soft hits, as I don't usually grab this machine on a day when I'm focused solely on deep coin shooting (I have another that I use for that purpose). I have found deeper coins, though, when on more of a clad or jewelry hunt. My general impressions, though, are that it does as well, "percent-wise," as other machines do in terms of how much "good stuff" per how much "trash," when trying to dig the deeper, "iffier" targets. It's about knowing your site, knowing the ground and what's in it, and knowing your machine. Can digging those soft hits be frustrating at some sites, where deep trash abounds? Absolutely, and I wouldn't try it at a site like that, unless the site was REALLY old, and I thought had a chance of yielding some really old silver or copper coins.
What helped me the most was having a test garden, with lots of coins buried at different measured depths. Running the Bug through the garden, and paying attention to how the deep coins sound, is what helped me to understand how the machine responds to those targets, and then to know what to listen for.
As for picking the coins from the trash...if you are in a really trashy area, and you
just want to hit coins, then if I were you I'd run the disc. WAY up. If you don't mind missing nickels and zincs (and any rare piece of gold jewelry), then run your disc. up to 80, and see what happens. You'll be AMAZED at how quiet your machine will run, ignoring all the trash, and yet nailing the coins. If you move slow, you'll find the coins between and among the pieces of trash. Give it a try. I'm not suggesting to hunt this way all the time, but if you are at a site that you know has lots of coins AND lots of trash, try it. The DD coil and very fast recovery speed will allow you to pick out the coins from the crap.
Finally, I agree that hunting a trashy park would be tough in all-metals mode. But, if you are in the right spot -- say, a really old site where you know there are deep goodies, it might be worth it...
aliensr said:
good post Steve. I'm curious if there is anything more (telltales) on these 'whispers' to try and increase the probability of digging something decent.
It would seem that just digging deep whispers would be pretty futile (I took some statistics classes in college). I mean there's an awful lot of 'deeper crap' buried. Can you elaborate any more? Your personal success/per time used digging these?
And BTW I bit the bullet and have been a G2 owner for a while now. personally I got it for (based on reputation) lightweight, quiet hunting for clad/rings.
It works for that purpose. I really haven't paid any attention to 'whisper' signals.
Do you look for consistent higher #'s over a small range to dig these?
The downside for me (in general) is that I need to find places (parks/schools) that are low on trash or I find it to be impossible to find clad amongst the crap. The frustration factor gets me out of those places pretty quick and I just won't waste my time. Lower trash sports fields are good to go....
oh, and I've only used disc. all metal seems too intimidating/noisy/not useful (at least for me). It just doesn't seem to be useful as a park hunter in all metal but I could be wrong....