You are so right , since Nox came out i have been looking at a lot of videos , and i noticed Nox picks up a lot of trash , and why becuase Nox is telling you that almost all Targets are good Even if they are not , so people have to dig that Target, and thats why they are getting more trash but more good Targets.
So i tried it my self with my ctx 3030 i started digging almost everything exepct iron ohhhh boy , more trash but also a lot more good Targets i mean a lot more. I'm soo happy right now. Yes you dig more but you come home more happy.
AND THAT is the problem with VDI machines. Folks that use them RELY on the VDI and the discrimination patterns they are custom to. The Equinox has opened up the pattern and although folks could do that with their CTX machines they chose not to.
The Equinox is a good machine. It is very capable of getting the job done MOST of the time. I have not used mine underwater yet but I will in a couple of places. It has one flaw for me. And that is I can't take it to some places that I really want to. The main reason is I would drown the critter over 10' deep.
Well I don't know many people who put the hours in like George the one I know who's finding all this gold 10 hours at a clip and he owns a CTX to and other waterproof minelabs and he will out hunt just about anyone with his Equinox 800.
Its his go to machine as he put it for gold.
I have had this discussion before from folks claiming their machine finds more stuff than someone elses machine. MOST of it is hogwash. Lets give an example here.
So we have an Equinox with a 19 - 22 over a target. Do you dig it? Some will others will not. Why won't folks dig it. From my experience it can be a wheat cent, an aluminum twist cap, a large shotgun head stamp, a zincoln, a boy scout neckerchief slide, a light bulb base and a few other undesirables.
Some folks pass those signals up because they find trash 100% of the time. So now you have someone with a beep and dig machine come allong with no VDI numbers go over the same target and they get the same signal. They dig and get rewarded with a 10.00 gold eagle or a huge fat class gold class ring.
People PRAISE the machine which is HOGWASH. The machine didn't find it. The USER of the machine is the one that actually decided to take the chance it wasn't a piece of junk and dig it.
The detectors we use are just tools. ALL are designed to tell you something is in the ground. The main difference in them is some will get a signal on deeper objects. Pure and simple, if you want treasure you will dig trash. No machine built yet can separate gold from undesirable metals. Another plus with the Equinox is the faster processor. It does a great job of target separation. So does a couple of my other machines but I have been using them for so long I know what they tell me.
The Equinox is a good tool. It is light, deep, and fast. The only reason it replaced my E-Trac is the weight of the latter. I am disabled and couldn't swing it as long as I wanted to. It cannot replace my main machines because of its limitations. For those that need a light versatile machine for fresh water, land and salt water, there is nothing out there that will compete with it, in that price range.
And the only one that can compete with how versatile it is, happens to be made by the same company but is over double the price.