Rich,have you ever tried a F70.I liked some of the old Fisher units and have owned and used two CZ70s,CZ7APro,two CZ3Ds,three CZ5s,CZ6,CZ20,1225X,1260,1270,1280,1236X,Coin Strike,Edge,ID Excel,Edge and the PI water unit.My favorites the CZ5,1236X and ID Excel.I used a Discovery 3300 the other day and was very impressed with this unit which is the platform for the Fisher F4.I have used a T2 which performed well but no small coil was offered for this unit for heavy trash parks, it was a good product and again the platform for another Fisher product the F75.Most companies are struggling sales are down and I'm not going to call their products inferior without using them myself.Have you ever tried a cheap Bounty Hunter Time Ranger which is another great unit but shares or looks a lot like the other units accept the face plate.The post I have read about the F70 most users like this unit.The cost of manufacturing has increased a lot since Fisher was bought out.Anyway just my thoughts.I'm glad you are happy with your CZ70 because they too are a nice unit.