Through the years I have seldom had a problem with turning in change. At one branch I lived near a couple of years ago, the customer could run their coins in the counting machine, then it would print out a slip you took to the teller's window to turn it into green folding stuff.
At my current closest branch, I simply tote in the bucket with the jars of coins and the gal runs them in the machine. That's easier because it will often top-off a bag that they need to change. When I ran my own coins, I had to wait for assistance.
Actually, I know people who have had problems with their bank accepting rolled coins because they can't see them to verify that the roll is full of the correct count, or even that it doesn't have outlet box knock-outs or other trash in place of the coins. My tellers don't get mad at me, and actually find it interesting when they learn it is all "found money" I am cashing in.
At my current closest branch, I simply tote in the bucket with the jars of coins and the gal runs them in the machine. That's easier because it will often top-off a bag that they need to change. When I ran my own coins, I had to wait for assistance.
Actually, I know people who have had problems with their bank accepting rolled coins because they can't see them to verify that the roll is full of the correct count, or even that it doesn't have outlet box knock-outs or other trash in place of the coins. My tellers don't get mad at me, and actually find it interesting when they learn it is all "found money" I am cashing in.