Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, may I offer a different perspective on Sergio? Can we look past his post and see an unsaved man, heading for a Christless eternity, desperatly needing to be saved. Please read 1 cor. 2;14 and clearly we will see how an unbeliever acts and thinks. If Sergio is unsaved, expect him to act unsaved. Yes, we as believers are offended, what would Jesus do? How would he act or react to Sergio? Please consider His discourse with the woman at the well. Consider a visit from Sergio to your church, how would he be recieved? Wouldn't he be percieved as desperatly needing Christ, hopefully, wittnesed to and encouaged to visit next sunday. Yes, these things offend us, but isn't Sergio opporating like many of us when we were unsaved? I beieve God has greatly used this forum, and each any every one of can be a clear transparent of God and His great love and grace. If I have offended any one here, please forgive me, an accept my sincere appology.