Yeah, we're having a little fun but secretly wondering how long the drought is gonna be. I seriously am finding a lot of rings with my Silver and have found gold rings in the past, but the gold ones seem to elude. The Silver hits hard on nickels and that should be the tipoff that it loves gold rings. I found 3 tiny ones, but eyeballed them before the coil passed over them. I guess that counts.
But I would NEVER set my discrimination above minimum and even use the a/m mode when I am in tot lots where all you have to do is stir the bark chips or pebbles with your feet to check the target. Found a couple of gold earrings this way. I figure the pinpointing's so easy it's quicker to just pop the trash than to guess-and accurate-actually poked a hole thru the setting (ouch) in a tiny gold-plated ring yesterday.