I stand by my statement. I saw it done at a dealer who happens to be a fan of Fishers. He took a CZ (Not the lower end Fishers) and adjusted the discrimination to reject a pull tab at roughly 3 to 4 inches of depth. While sweeping the tab under the coil and moving it further away (roughly six or so inches) the pull tab sounded off again as if it had not been discriminated out. I've also played in field with a CZ6a enough to know that the discrimination on it is no where near as good as most Whites models. Now, is it a deep machine? Sure, already said that. Will you dig more iron with it? My friend does. Are there sites like trashy treelawns that he refuses to hunt? Sure, and he wasn't happy when I pulled a big silver ring out of that trash within minutes of him taking me to this site he's worked before. Know you strengths of various machines. That CZ of his would handle highly mineralized ground much better than my Whites, so there are trade offs.