Hello "Still looking 52",,I to am open to learn and by coming here,We get the advantage of hearing what other's do in other setting's.To be honest,with the Tone ID setting's,I am inexperienced.I know many seem to enjoy knowing what to dig,before touching the soil.Just by cowinkiedink I realized the D1 setting.As you said,It set's it into a Tone and Dig unit.,Your exactly right!!..Only the tone dim's and can be loud for shallow targets.(Like the old radio shacks)lol,.Only for the first time in my life,I used the head phones..Now I could get these little bleep's that bare ear,I wouldnt notice..I started digging them and sure enough,they were goodies.Very deep goodies.,I never hit so many good items as I have since.I know if in high traffic area's,I might miss alot of shallow targets,but the peeps,they were always very deep.Digging deep targets,Sent my chances of older relics and coins up much higher than I ever had.Horse bridal item's,IH cents,Some silver.Before D1,I dug alot of clad,Some jewelry and once in awhile some Roosevelt and Washington silver.Now I feel like I have buck fever.Just knowing the range of item's I can get,I cant go back to clad again..lol,.Yank a few Barbers out,I will never go back to chasing clad.Many Mason Jar lid's with the ceramic insert's come up to.I do not always hit J-pot,but I do alot more than I ever did before.Mike Mentioned there may be a manner to combine them both.As you stated,I have alot of growing with the F5 as well.Is so much to learn.I guess the Gain in the D1 mode can make the subtle peeps louder.I am afraid,because where I have things set,I am able to judge by the subtle tone,What items to dig for depth.Only I am digging blind..Also digging deeper targets,one dont dig as many holes in a day.Please let me know what you think when you go out next and try it. You hit it dead on,A "TONE and DIG UNIT",... low subtle means far away and loud,strong,means shallow.I think that may be what Fisher means by deeper targets,cant trust the display as much.I think the directions should of covered all this more,But I think it's their manner to get folks to learn the units.Nice to meet you,,Best of luck.I will show pictures if I find anything great this weekend.Enjoy..